Wedding gifts are one of those details many couples forget during planning. You should plan for this before the wedding so nothing falls through the cracks. Have you thought about what to do with gifts and how to handle them?
You don’t want to be a bride worrying about what to do with gifts and cards at the end of the wedding.
Let’s look at some of the things you should do before hand to make sure you aren’t concerned on your wedding day.
Handling Gifts At Your Wedding
Before your wedding take the time to think through the process. How will you handle the gifts? Who is in charge? How will you prevent theft? You want to make sure the gifts will arrive at the appropriate location.
Here are some things to decide about the gifts at your wedding:
Decide where to put the wedding gifts.
Before the wedding decide where to put the bags and cards after the event is over.
Popular locations to stow wedding gifts include:
- the bride and groom’s hotel room
- a trusted family member’s car
- a secure storage area at the hotel or venue if offered
Decide who will move the gifts.
It shouldn’t be the bride and groom’s responsibility to move the bags, boxes, and cards.
They should be having the time of their lives. Choose a vendor or trusted family member or friend to be responsible for the wedding gifts.
This person should be in charge of rounding up the gifts, moving them to the chosen storage location, and making sure nothing goes missing.
Decide when the gifts will be moved.
Once you know where the gifts are going and who will move them, add it to your timeline. Make sure you’ve decided on a time for the wedding gifts to be transported.
You don’t want this process to disrupt the wedding or take your friend or family member away from the party for too long.
If a wedding planner is loading the gifts they can do this while everyone is dancing. If you have a friend or family member doing it they can sneak away toward the end when things are winding down.
Enjoy your wedding!
With a little bit of thought before the big day you can plan for a seamless transition of the gifts. It will eliminate worry and make the process a lot easier on the wedding day!
You’ll be so happy when you get to finally unwrap and enjoy all your gifts later!
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