If you’re planning to make a DIY brooch bouquet for your wedding bouquet you will need quite a few brooches. Do you know where to buy brooches for wedding bouquets? Keep reading to find out!
Since brooches for wedding bouquets are not commonly found in stores it’s a bit of work to track them down. To make your DIY brooch bouquet you’ll need to find each and every brooch you will need for your bouquet.
Where can you buy brooches for your wedding bouquet? There are many options both online and in-person. These sources for buying brooches help you create a unique DIY brooch bouquet you can keep forever.
Need some inspiration for your DIY brooch bouquet? Check out these Beautiful Brooch Bouquets You Will Cherish Forever
Where To Buy Brooches For Wedding Bouquets
Below are our favorite sources for buying brooches to use in your DIY brooch wedding bouquet.
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Wedding Brooches On Etsy
Etsy sellers have thousands of brooches for sale in all sorts of styles and colors. There are hundreds of Etsy shops like PearlsBlingsNThings that sell individual brooches. You can buy an assortment to create your on unique DIY brooch bouquet.
Here are some of the brooches you can purchase from Etsy sellers:
Some Etsy sellers also sell pre-made brooch bouquets for weddings! This is an option if you do not want to DIY your brooch bridal bouquet. Purchasing a pre-made brooch bouquet can save a lot of time!
Wedding Brooches On Amazon
You can buy many styles of brooches in bulk on Amazon. You can find enough brooches to create a whole bouquet.
Brooches for wedding bouquets on Amazon range in style from silver to gold to rose gold with accents of rhinestones or pearls.
Amazon is a great place to buy brooches to fill in around the more special brooches you’ve collected.
Wedding Brooches On Specialized Websites
Did you know there are e-commerce websites dedicated to selling wedding brooches? Websites like FabulousBrooch.com sell individual brooches you can use to build your wedding bouquet.
These websites can be very advantageous if you are looking for a very specific style or color of brooch. You can usually find a specific one to complete your brooch bouquet. With these websites you can search the stock by color or style or other features!
You can find antique brooches on these sites but they mostly sell newly created brooches. They are great if you are looking for a specific style like
- bow brooches
- beaded brooches
- butterfly brooches
- cross brooches
- crown brooches
- diamond brooches
- floral brooches
- heart brooches
- pearl brooches
- star brooches
- snowflake brooches
- and more!
Brooches From Friends & Family
If you let your friends and family know you are making a DIY brooch bouquet you will be amazed at how many brooch donations you will receive. You might not even need to learn where to buy brooches for wedding bouquets because you are gifted plenty!
Once you tell everyone many of your girlfriends and family members will bring brooches to your shower as a gift.
Friends and family love to offer up a special brooch or two for bouquets. This is a great way to feel included and make your brooch bouquet even more special.
This can make your bouquet very sentimental and really help offset the cost of buying so many brooches yourself. Definitely let everyone know you are looking for brooches for your DIY brooch bouquet!
Brooches From Second Hand Sales
If you can’t source brooches from your friends and family but still want real, vintage pieces for your bouquet, you can visit second hand sales to find brooches to use.
There are many estates sales where you can buy brooches for wedding bouquets. In fact you can even find them on sale on the later days of sales.
You can find brooches often at estate sales or even garage sales in certain areas. Also most thrift stores will have a selection in their jewelry area as well.
Buying brooches for your wedding bouquet second hand will take more work but it can be a fun DIY project to work on for months before the wedding.
Brooch Searching Tips
Keep an eye out any time you’re checking out a new store in case they carry brooches or similar items that could be incorporated into your bouquet.
Remember that your brooch bouquet doesn’t have to be made exclusively of brooches. You can also look for things like costume rings and necklaces or even earrings and shoe clips that could be used like a brooch and fit well with the aesthetic of your bouquet.
If you plan to search for options online try lots of different keywords in your search like “bulk brooches” and “inexpensive brooches” or specific searches like “pearl brooches” if you are looking for a specific style of brooch for your bouquet.
While we have listed many places to find brooches for your bouquet it never hurts to have more options!
Not sure if a DIY brooch bouquet is worth all the work? You can always just purchase a brooch bouquet from a wedding vendors.
Or try out other alternative bouquet ideas like these Gorgeous Wood Flower Bouquets You Can Keep Forever!