Planning a beautiful wedding can be exciting but planning a solid marriage is the most important thing you can do during your engagement.
If you’re newly engaged and looking for a pre-marital counseling option, you might be interested in this local church’s class Making Marriage Make Sense. It’s just one option of many in the area and we hope to highlight more options in the coming weeks so you can truly consider adding premarital counseling to your wedding planning to-do list.
Making Marriage Make Sense Details
- Start Married Life Right.
- Making Marriage Make Sense class with Andy Savage
- A radical new approach to pre-marriage and early marriage counseling
- Starting Wednesday, January 28th at 6:30 pm
- Highpoint Church East Campus, 6000 Briarcrest Ave
- More details
- Register online for Spring 2015
Making Marriage Make Sense Description
The goal of this 9-week course is to start married life right by giving you the tools and the training to make marriage make sense. You will be immersed in teaching from Andy Savage and the MMMS team on topics such as selfishness, choosing love, sex, money, kids, In-laws, roles in marriage, boundaries, expectations, conflict resolution, communication and building and maintaining trust. Each week, the teaching is combined with group discussion with a trained marriage mentor couple to help you apply what you learn in real time.
The cost for the class is $65* and payment when you register online.
*Cost includes course materials, weekly pre-marriage/early-marriage coaching for nine weeks and a completion certificate that can be used to receive a discount on the purchase of your marriage license.
- Our goal is to make marriage make sense.
- We will watch God change the world through God-honoring marriages.
- We will equip seriously dating, engaged and newly married couples with training needed to start married life right.
- We will boldly teach and train couples to see the end of mediocre and failing marriages.
- We will train couples fight for their marriages by dying to self.
- We will teach the biblical truths in a practical way that help people make marriage work.
- We will help people recover from divorce and pursue God-honoring relationships.
- We will call men step up to be HEROES as husbands and fathers that reflect Jesus Christ in their homes.
- We will NOT compromise on God’s plan for marriage and family
MMMS combines the three essential elements of transformation:
- Relationships – trusted people who have the experience and the care to see you start married life right.
- Information – the insight you don’t have to equip you for marriage.
- Structure – consistent time, place and steps to apply what you learn in real time.
Who is MMMS for?
MMMS is designed specifically for couples who are seriously dating**, engaged or newly married. You do NOT have to attend Highpoint Church to take advantage of this class. Our vision is to offer MMMS to the community and watch God change the world through God-honoring marriages.
Pre-marriage counseling redefined. If you are looking to get married in the near future, this class is a RADICAL new approach to pre-marriage counseling. All couples who complete the class will receive a certificate of completion to satisfy state requirements for pre-marriage counseling.
Visit the Making Marriage Make Sense website for more details.